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Monitoring & Evaluation Cell

 For effective program interventions and feed-back, the organization has developed a M & E Cell with some experienced staff & volunteers guided by the Program Director. The General Secretary is the ex-officio chairperson of the Cell.


 In its vow to serve the beneficiary population, Bani Mandir depends on a core team of experienced and qualified staff in 2 wings – administrative and field. At the grass root level, it is to rely mainly on a team of dedicated volunteers.


The General Body is an apex nucleus that comprises of all members of Bani Mandir. It is the supreme authority to critically examine the programs implemented and the funds utilized during last financial year, and to approve the Action Plan and the Budget for the next financial year.

Next to the General Body is the Governing Body consisting of 13 members elected from among the members of the apex body for a period of 3 years. It comprises of President, Vice-Presidents-2, General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and 7 executive members. It is the main executive body of the organization. The General Secretary is the Chief-Executive Officer (CEO) responsible for all programs, financial and personnel affairs of Bani Mandir.

Under the leadership of the General Secretary, the day-to-day program activities are being carried on by a core team of paid and voluntary staff in both administrative and field wings.
At the village level, the programs are being executed involving actively the Neighborhood Groups and the Village Development Committees formed with the village people.
To ensure good governance the organization maintains transparency and social accountability in all aspects.



The Organization at a glance: Our History gives a clear clarification towards the reason behind the wide gap. In the life style of rural & border areas people in comparison to the urban or semi-urban populace. Since independence, many initiatives have been taken in the different parts of our country to make the gap reduce between the respected areas. Bani Mandir is committed to arrange shelter, habitation health and hygiene for the oppressed persons, children and women. Activities are moreover concerned with the human feeling and to come forward for the help for destitute girls and ostracized women. Our objective is wide enough to provide minimum and suitable education, Vocational including academic with a view to achieve sustainable development of the economically and socially depressed section of people. Presently organizations mostly focus to reduce future crisis of safe drinking water.